Student Experience

£28,807 has been raised from 93 donors.

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We first launched our Student Experience fund in 2002 and since then have raised nearly £1 million. This money has been used to support projects and activities that help contribute to an unforgettable Essex experience, and building the Essex Spirit that has led our students and alumni to go out and do amazing things in the world. 

We know that an Essex experience is about education and living, and that’s why this fund is so important. For almost twenty years, the Student Experience fund has supported students in a variety of ways, including:

  • Sports
  • Societies
  • Arts
  • Events
  • Student Philanthropy
  • Entrepreneurship

Since 2015, our award-winning crowdfunding platform, Click, has helped raise over £415,000 for student projects, from start-ups to theatre performances, sports equipment to international volunteering. For every £1 a student raises themselves through Click, they receive £1 in match-funding* from alumni through the Student Experience Fund. Click is a unique scheme, it embeds our culture of philanthropy and encourages students to pursue their passions without being held back by financial constraints.

Take a look at some of the big ideas our students are currently fundraising for, and some of the past projects

We think this is a brilliant way to support our students and their projects, and we want to continue to be able to support initiatives that make a student’s Essex experience so special, but we need your help. Donating to the Student Experience Fund is your opportunity to make a difference.

You can read more about our other causes here:

Essex Futures


*Up to 50% of minimum fundraising targets are match-funded through the Fund.

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3 months ago
Ian Adam Bellamy donated £25.00
4 months ago
An anonymous user donated £11.00
5 months, 1 week ago
Paul Hickman donated £10.00
1 year, 2 months ago
An anonymous user donated £25.00
1 year, 3 months ago
An anonymous user donated £100.00
2 years, 10 months ago
Antje Witzel donated £500.00